(85 results found)

Courtney Blue
… born and raised in Seattle, Washington, singing Jazz and Classical music from a young age. She continued to study …

Jubal in the Middle Ages
… sound relations in numerical proportions, represents the classical view on the beginnings of musical science. Jubal, …

Greek Epic and Kypriaka: Why “Cyprus Matters”
… system hinders precise identification. Even the kings of Classical Amathus, apparently the island’s stronghold of …
Niggun ‘Akedah: A Traditional Melody Concerning the Binding of Isaac
… trait, especially in pre-modern times. Indeed, even in classical European music, for example, one of the saddest …
Yom Yom Odeh: Towards the Biography of a Hebrew Baidaphon Record
… which, having its roots in Egypt, saw the revival of classical musical forms and genres such as the qa ṣ ida , … century. Both factors helped to perpetuate and shape a “classical”, transregional (albeit heavily …
Moshe Cordova
… The Mafṭirim performed Hebrew poetry set to Turkish classical music on the Sabbaths at the Italian Synagogue in … a poet and composer), Itzak Algazi, the composer/singer of classical Turkish music from Izmir, moved to Istanbul to … a musician in Israel was peripheral, as interest in Ottoman classical music at the time was confined to a small group of …
Jewish Professional Musicians in Iraq and Israel, Revisited
… ‘mainstream style’— most commonly referred to today as classical Arabic music, or, following A.J. Racy’s (2003) … construction of takasim, were replaced by ‘mainstream’ classical Arabic music elements. Jewish musicians in Iraq … with first-hand knowledge of the music, the future of classical Arabic music in Israel was in the hands of the …
Abraham Salman
… maqam to the cosmopolitan Egyptian-styled tarab along with classical Western music repertoire arranged for qanun. He …
Hisqil Qassab
… in the twentieth century. He was the title of pioneer of neoclassical singing in Maqam, and he was almost one of the …
Armand Sabah
… formal music education in Israel, studying accordion, classical guitar, piano, and violin with private instructors, focusing primarily on Western classical music. After completing his studies at Himmelfarb … in the Jerusalem Academy of Music in 1978. He studied classical guitar in the performance department and earned a …