(123 results found)
32. La agonía del amante Rosa mia (CES)
The opening of this song, “Conğa mía conğa mía / chichek de mi cabeza” (“conğa” means “…
35. Toma mi alma y tómala (CES)
A rare cluster of stanzas with a well-known refrain. The closest version to this love…
36. La bella en misa (CES)
A very truncated version of the romance La bella en misa (CMP S7) as documented in…
40. Los trabajos de la semana (CES)
A well-documented serial song (Attias 1972, no. 127; Hemsi 1995, no. 133) in which a…
44. ¿Por qué no cantáis la bella? (Çakum Effendi)
This song consists of two lines of ¿Por qué no cantáis la bella? (CMP J4), a rare…
48. La doncella esclareciente (Çakum Effendi)
A very popular cantiga from Salonica from the beginning of the twentieth century that…
59. La reina de la gracia (Isaac Algazi)
This is a love song in makam Nihavent and usul Devri Hindi (7/4). The poem was written…
63. El parto feliz (Isac Haim)
Haim Effendi’s recording of this song (2008, CD IV, no. 12, from 1922) which we formerly…
70. El barón despreciado ( La Gloria)
One of the most well-known modern Ladino songs in Western European style. It was also…
71. El juramento del mancebo + El escolero y las viñas + El novio desprendido (La Gloria)
A unique string of fragments from three wedding songs, perhaps hinting to a performance…