Amsterdam concert (1975)

Amsterdam concert (1975): 300th anniversary celebrations for the Esnoga Synagogue

This concert was held in celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Esnoga, the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam. The concert included performances by Hazzan Beniso as well as by cantors Abraham Lopes Cardozo and Eliezer Abinun. Additionally, the concert was graced by the presence of Hakham Solomon Gaon, Chief Rabbi of the Spanish-Portuguese Congregations of the British Commonwealth.

See also in our website the project on the liturgical music of the Gibraltar synagogues, that includes the biography of Hazzan Abraham Beniso.


Photo attriburtion: By Gerd Eichmann - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Sound Examples

Hazzan Abraham Beniso
Hazzan Abraham Beniso
Adon Olam

Hazzan Abraham Beniso
Hazzan Abraham Beniso
Kedusha: Simhat Torah

Hazzan Abraham Beniso
Hazzan Abraham Beniso
Lekha Dodi

Hazzan Abraham Beniso
Hazzan Abraham Beniso
Mi Hakham Kadish

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