Metadata & Links Content Keywords Archival recordings Baghdad Chazzan Edith (Esther) Gerson Kiwi Hazan Hazzan Iraq Jerusalem Liturgical music Paytan High Holidays - Yamim Nora'im Yamim Nora'im - High Holidays Rosh HaShanah Rosh Hashanah Metadata Material type Recordings Place of Recording Jerusalem Media Record Type of Recording Research Recording Tradition Baghdadi Languages Hebrew Country/Area Iraq Recorder Edith (Esther) Gerson Kiwi Shoef Kemo Eved Yaakov Huri recordings: Yamim Noraim (High Holidays) Songs Copy Link Yaakov Huri Shoef kemo eved (Yaakov Huri) Rosh Hashanah: Shaẖarith Yaakov Huri Shoef kemo eved (Itzhak Makhluf) Rosh Hashanah: Shaẖarith Yaakov Huri Shoef kemo eved (Reuven Mu'alem) Rosh Hashanah: Shaẖarith Related content Ezra Barnea The Jewish Music Research Centre mourns the passing of Ezra Barnea, a friend, colleague and… Misrepresenting Jerusalem