Metadata & Links Content Keywords Maier Levy Chazzan Chazzanut Hazzan Ashkenaz German Jews German Synagogue Metadata Material type Recordings Tradition Ashkenazi Country/Area Eastern Europe U-ma'avir yom Between Tradition and Modernity: The High Holy Days Melodies of Minhag Ashkenaz Copy Link Between Tradition and Modernity: The High Holy Days Melodies of Minhag Ashkenaz U-ma'avir yom Related content Yaakov Huri Yaakov Huri: An Iraqi Cantor in the Edith Gerson Kiwi Archive The recorded collection of the… Moshe Preis Chazzan Moshe Preis was born in Lodz, Poland on May 15, 1914. His father, Shlomo Aryeh Preis,…