Metadata & Links Content Keywords Sephardim Spanish Morocco Casablanca Gibraltar Judeo-Spanish Pesach Metadata Material type Recordings Year 1976 Place of Recording Canada Tradition Western Sephardic Languages Hebrew Ladino (Judeo-Spanish, Judezmo) Country/Area Gibraltar (UK) Performer James Levy Berukhim Atem From the collection of James Levy Copy Link James Levy, 1983 Berukhim atem, Moshe salió de Misrayim Pesah, Souccoth-Lunch James Levy, 1983 Berukhim atem: variation Pesah James Levy, 1983 Moshe salió de Misrayim: variation Pesah See the biography of James Levy. Attachments 203-Pesach-Beruchim atem-Moshe salio de Misrayim.pdf Berukhim atem, Moshe salió de Misrayim: Lyrics Related content Haim Louk Rabbi Haim Louk was born in 1942 in Casablanca, Morocco, to a family originally from Mogador (… Linked by Melody: Gibraltar/Moroccan Songs for Passover (and Shavuoth)