47. Ten piadad amoroso (Çakum Effendi)

Ten piadad amoroso

Çakum Effendi

Another love song in the classic Ottoman ghazel style with solo clarinet accompaniment (compare with no. 46 above) combining lines in Judeo-Spanish and Turkish. In this case, the Ladino text is clearly a close paraphrase of the Turkish lines whose meter, failatün failatün failatün failün, is also clear (transcription of Turkish text and analysis by Mehmet Sankılol). This ghazel was also recorded by Isachino Pessah from Salonica and issued by several companies but no copy of this second recording has been located so far (information retrieved from an ad in the Ladino journal La America, published in New York, 30 June 1922, p. 2).

Amán, amán.

Merhamet kıl âşık-ı pür derde Allah aşkına

Ten piadad, amoroso, un’ muchach’ sin ventura por amor del Dio.


Şivekarım nerde kaldın, nerde Allah aşkına

Mi quirida onde quedastes, onde estas por amor del Dio.

Aldey, amán, amán, amán.


Hazırım can virmeye bir an seni görmek içün

Cuando estó por entregar la mi alma o por darte por ver tu cara.



Ruyine itme nikab-ı perde Allah aşkına

No te tapes la tu hermosa vista, no te tapes por amor del Dio.

Yalel, medeyde, ah…

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