Metadata & Links Content Keywords שיר ליטורגיה ניגון טעמי המקרא פאראליטורגיה Qinot פרטיטורה / ספר תווים פלייליסטים Metadata Material type Books Place of publication Berlin Year 1922 Tradition Eastern Communities Languages Hebrew Author אברהם צבי אידלסון (בן יהודה) Hebraeisch-orientalischer Melodienschatz, 03[H]: Gesaenge der persischen, bucharischen und daghestanischen Juden נגינות יהודי פרס, בוכרה ודגסטאן Copy Link Also exists in German. Music of Persian, Bukharan and Daghestani Jews. Includes an introductory essay on their life and customs, their pronunciation of Hebrew, and their music. Related content Matthew Austerklein Matthew Austerklein is an American-trained cantor completing his PhD in Jewish Studies at Halle-… The Spanish-Portuguese Jewish Liturgy Few Jewish liturgical music traditions have been as consistently maintained as were those of the…