

Sharing with you basic ideas and notions related to Jewish music.

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Mazur (LKT)

This entry is part of the Lexicon of Klezmer Terminology (LKT). The LKT compiles a wide array of source materials that shed light on the historical and contemporary state of knowledge about klezmer music. Each entry includes a number of citations from primary and secondary sources that…

Mazurka (LKT)

This entry is part of the Lexicon of Klezmer Terminology (LKT). The LKT compiles a wide array of source materials that shed light on the historical and contemporary state of knowledge about klezmer music. Each entry includes a number of citations from primary and secondary sources that…


Lit. Scroll. Name given to the biblical Book of Esther, one of the five scrolls.


This entry is part of the Lexicon of Klezmer Terminology (LKT). The LKT compiles a wide array of source materials that shed light on the historical and contemporary state of knowledge about klezmer music. Each entry includes a number of citations from primary and secondary sources that…


The word 'menagen' (menágn in Yiddish accent) comes from the verb 'nagen,' which in the hasidic writings and in oral tradition means singing (and not playing an instrument, which is its usual Hebrew meaning). The terms 'Menagen,' 'Ba'al Menagen,' as well as the less common 'Ba'al Negina,' signify a…


Pl. Meshoyrerim. Apprentice to the Hazzan, or Synagogue choirboy.

Mezinke (LKT)

This entry is part of the Lexicon of Klezmer Terminology (LKT). The LKT compiles a wide array of source materials that shed light on the historical and contemporary state of knowledge about klezmer music. Each entry includes a number of citations from primary and secondary sources that…


Minha Service The Minha service is held at twilight and is one of the three daily services of the Jewish liturgy. It is commonly thought that the term Minha came from Kings 1 18:36 where it is written that Elijah prayed during the time of the Minha, a sacrifice of grains (wheat and barley, rather…

Minuet (LKT)

This entry is part of the Lexicon of Klezmer Terminology (LKT). The LKT compiles a wide array of source materials that shed light on the historical and contemporary state of knowledge about klezmer music. Each entry includes a number of citations from primary and secondary sources that…

Mitsve Tants

The Mitsve Tants, or Kosher Tants, is a ritual dance imbued with mystical significance. It is performed today as the final ceremony of a Hassidic wedding, after the feast. Male members of the two families are invited to dance in turn with the bride. When a Hassidic rebbe is present, he is invited…

Mitsve-tants (LKT)

This entry is part of the Lexicon of Klezmer Terminology (LKT). The LKT compiles a wide array of source materials that shed light on the historical and contemporary state of knowledge about klezmer music. Each entry includes a number of citations from primary and secondary sources that…

Mitsve-tentsl (LKT)

This entry is part of the Lexicon of Klezmer Terminology (LKT). The LKT compiles a wide array of source materials that shed light on the historical and contemporary state of knowledge about klezmer music. Each entry includes a number of citations from primary and secondary sources that…

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