Metadata & Links Content Keywords Theater America Yiddish Ashkenaz Yiddish songs Ashkenazi Yiddish Theater Metadata Material type Scores Publishers S. Goldberg Place of publication New York Year 1905 Tradition Ashkenazi Languages Yiddish Country/Area USA Author Haim Nahman Bialik Composer Platon Brounoff Moischelach and schloimelach/ Boys like Moyshe and Shloyme Copy Link For an elaborate explanation about the song, see Song of The Month, March 2010. Related content Tish-nigunim Ascribed to Yosl Tolner and the Aesthetics of the Genre Tish-nigunim in the Post-vernacular Era This study aims to trace the unique characteristics of… Sara Levi-Tanai Sara Levi-Tanai was an Israeli choreographer, playwright, and lyricist renowned for her…