Qiddush (kidousche)

An Early Twentieth-Century Sephardi Troubadour: The Historical Recordings of Haim Effendi of Turkey
An Early Twentieth-Century Sephardi Troubadour: The Historical Recordings of Haim Effendi of Turkey
Qiddush (kidousche)

Haim Effendi

A classical Eastern Sephardi rendition of the Sabbath Eve Qiddush (the Sanctification of the Sabbath over a cup of wine) recited by the head of the family before the festive meal. The text includes introductory verses (Genesis 2:1-3) the blessing over the wine and the blessing of the Sabbath. The piece ends with a vocalization and Haim Effendi’s blessing “Shabbat shalom siñores” (“A peaceful Sabbath my friends”).

הרשמו לניוזלטר

הירשם לניוזלטר שלנו כדי לקבל עדכונים