Michael Lukin

Michael Lukin was born in Leningrad, USSR, completed his BA degree at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance and obtained the MA in Jewish Music at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In his PhD dissertation, entitled “The Yiddish Folk Song: Poetics and Music” and completed at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, he provides a frame of reference for the characterization of Yiddish folk singing – its main genres, performance contexts, interrelations with the neighboring traditions – as well as the historical perspective of its development from the early modern period until the end of the nineteenth century.

He is a researcher at the Jewish Music Research Centre (JMRC) and a lecturer at Bar Ilan University and at Sapir Academic College, teaching courses in Jewish music, Hasidic nigun, Mysticism and music by Jews, and Yiddish verbal folklore.

You can read an article on Beregovski Collection - Nign no. 3 from the Song of the month archive and other publications at the link here.


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